Ramblings of a bearded fool

Archive for December, 2017

Winter is coming (Jon Snow)…

I don’t watch Game of Thrones (GOT) but, “Winter is definitely coming”

It arrived quite spectacularly literally 2 days before I wrote this post.

Hang on…rewind…’You DONT watch GOT?!?

Nope…you read it right!

I don’t, believe me, I’ve tried.

I just don’t get the same buzz watching GOT as I do watching Vikings or Peaky Blinders or for that matter freshly applied paint drying!

It is of course a matter of taste.

Sean Bean the greatest thing to come out of Sheffield other than the M67

Poor old Sean, he did it again, gets his sen (that’s Sheffield for himself) cast in an epic role, does his finest Sheffield accent (he was from the north), then gets killed off?!?

(There’s history here…it’s almost like Mr Bean gets found out to be a bit of a one accent type actor, then the producers have a meeting and he’s killed off!)

Winter is coming and you’re telling me there’s a boycott on fur?”

For me, I find the less fictional world of Vikings far more appealing (I would though right?), now into its 5th season and (spoiler alert!) without the main protagonist Ragnar Lothbrok I thought it would struggle to keep me entertained…how very wrong was I?!

Instead, the producers have, since season 4, been steadily building the characters and personalities of Ragnar’s sons, the most standout of whom is the incredibly named ‘Ivar the boneless’ (he was born with no bones in his legs…name kind of makes sense really!) he was slightly less fortunate than his brother ‘Thörsten glue ear’ (I may have made that one up) who’s condition soon cleared up.

Ivar is single handily carrying the new season on his little boneless legs, and thus far (along with brilliant performances by Jonathan Rhys Meyers as the warrior Bishop Heahmund) is quite literally making you want more!

Team that with the fact that the awesome ‘Floki’ played by Gustaf Skarsgard is back and you’ve got yourselves another great season to watch out for!

Floki crazy but great with an axe!

This is exactly why Vikings shouldn’t attempt to shave with a battle axe!

I’m also loving the new season of Peaky Blinders not just because it’s set in Birmingham (where I work and thus have a hint of brummie in my accent) but, also because of it’s sartorial excellence (the Blinders dress to impress and kill, quite literally!)

This season starts where the last left off…if season 3 left you hanging, then Season 4 starts you…well…almost hanging!

the Blinders, a suit salesman’s dream!

The introduction of Adrien Brody as ‘Luca Changretta’ is an absolute master stroke …he’s an incredible character, evil, calculated and almost a step ahead of the normally well prepared Shelby family, he is a great foil for Cillian Murphy’s ‘Tommy Shelby’ (OBE), it’s making for a great season and is playing out like a game of chess between two masters.

So, me being me…the styleviking, I couldn’t leave you without my ode to the style of the Peaky Blinders.

If you know me (I think you should by now!) you’ll know that I quite often like to mix it up a bit, so where as my ‘day’ job requires me to wear casual ‘everyday’ wear, whenever possible, I like to smarten things up and crack out the tweed!

“you staring at my pint?!”

Tweed 2 piece in charcoal grey, worn with Edwin Japanese denim, an Irish Linen stripe shirt, accessorised with a pocket watch and a classic ‘baker boy’ hat (without the razor blade!)

I call it my ‘Blind Peaky Viking’!

Until next time…

“Stay safe, by order of the Peaky Blind Viking”