Ramblings of a bearded fool

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A great partnership

The new chapter…Fatface and Folk

Two great brands, 50 years of know how




1. 1.
the action of working with someone to produce something.”he wrote a book in collaboration with his son”


1.cooperation, alliance, partnership, participation, combination, association, concer

Collaborations come and go, some are memorable and some not so.

Pretty memorable right?

Head out to E2 in London’s ‘style’ suburb of Shoreditch and you’ll be rubbing shoulders with some of the most style conscious people on the planet.

In between the carefully placed graffiti and red brick former factories is an array of cute coffee houses and some of the coolest clothing brands on the high street..except, this isn’t the high street.

Get away from the hustle and bustle of Oxford Street and the constant flow of shopping zombies and find yourself in a little oasis of calm, where you can actually walk in any direction you want!

You’ll have to forgive the beautiful people everywhere doing photoshoots, just take a bit of time to get used to your surroundings.

Shoreditch has some incredible architecture, the little boutiques are quite unique and even the better known brands like Club Monaco, Sunspel and Sweaty Betty have changed how their stores look and feel to fit in with the environment.

The amazing green brick frontage at ‘Labour and wait’

An emporium of delights, ranging from kitchen tools to candles to incredible workwear made in London!

There was a reason though why I found myself in the hipster capital and it wasn’t just to take in the sights…

I was here for ‘work’ (I’m using that term loosely), as work today consisted of a bit of shopping, coffee, more exploring, coffee and then a an exciting PR event at the ‘Folk‘ store on the corner of Chance Street.

It was revealed that the contemporary casual wear brand had decided to team up and do a collection/collaboration with Fatface, a brand that has 30 years of history and success under its belt.

I was excited to see what the collection looked like, but more importantly how it would work for what on paper are two quite different brands.

(Image courtesy of K.Summers)

Come in we’re ready for business!

What was instantly obvious by the number of people involved was that this was a project that both parties cared for dearly.

There was a sense of nerves, excitement and pride as we mingled with the main protagonists, which included none other than the founder of the brand Cathal McAteer.

He was overseeing the project, checking people’s thoughts on the products and offering his expertise and anecdotes to the onlookers.

He was asked a bit about how ‘Folk’ was created…

“Back in the day, I wanted to make nice clothes for my mates…well made, stylish pieces that were almost brand less, but that had a feel and fit that was timeless.

When we first started we literally used to buy our buttons from Oxfam and fabrics from wholesalers.

We pride ourselves on our fit, our feel and create signature pieces every guy should own”

How then did Fatface get involved?

Fatface has long been a staple part of the British high street (30 years to be precise!), they have a great reputation for quality, longevity and sell stylish clothes for the whole family.

Something though, has happened literally in the last few years, in that, the menswear range had become a bit ‘safe’ and a bit ‘samey’…totally outgunned by the huge growth of its incredible womenswear ranges…

Something had to give…us men are starting to shop differently, we no longer need to be spoon fed outfits, colours that compliment each other, or even which shoes to wear!

Instead, we have become dare I say it…more stylish?!

More independent?!

Whatever it is and however it came about (evolution) we need to embrace it and admit it that sometimes we do get a bit excited when we see a nice pair of shoes! (Just me then…)

That said, Fatface have adopted a new mantra…’try something different ‘

Which in the case of the collaboration with Folk is most certainly trying…a lot…of different!

This is going to be both interesting and exciting, the product launches late Autumn and will only be in 10 carefully selected stores and online…watch this space, it will not be around long, very limited numbers and only 16 pieces.

I’ll leave you with firstly some pictures of the incredible products and then a final quote from Cathal.

the collection consists of 16 pieces

100% soft merino wool cardigan £90, I loved the wool mix trousers too! (top pic)

My favourite piece! Totally awesome jersey lined Sherpa fleece £90

Its all in the detail, something both brands are synonymous with…check shirt with double stud pocket detail £65

The pricing is incredible!

Slightly more expensive than the normal Fatface range, but considering the limited number and Folk signature, finishing and detail and you get amazing, timeless pieces!

Cathal was asked what his favourite pieces were…

Firstly this beauty of a waistcoat! Wool mix high stand collar (look at the details on the back of the buttons!) £85

Indigo dye polka dot shirt, 3 contrast colour corozo nut buttons to collar (the detail!) £69

Cathal talked about his creations with an immense sense of pride, I asked him was he at all worried about the collaboration?

“At first, we had a lot of conversations, both parties have so much in common, I love what Fatface stand for and there was a mutual respect for what Folk are doing”

Were you worried that people might think you’ve sold out, was it like giving one of your children away, giving away your designs?

He smiled…( he would never give his kids away, they’re lovely, they too were at the launch!)

This is an incredible collection, we both believe it will work…it will bring new customers to both Fatface and Folk”

That is the general thought here… if you think Fatface wasn’t for you, then you need to stop by and become part of the movement, both brands are about to go on an incredible journey…I for one will definitely want to go on it with them.

Check Fatface for release dates and product info, I’ll leave you with this quote from Albert Einstein

Until next time…

Peace and love.

Is it Spring yet?

It only feels like five minutes ago I was putting up a Christmas tree.

No sooner did I put up said Christmas tree, I was taking it down after the hullabaloo and craziness of the season.

Part of me was glad it was all over, (I’m not a fan) time to move on, time for a new season and a fresh outlook and with it some fresh looks too!

I’ve had a quick scout around and have found some really nice pieces for you, some are absolute wardrobe staples and others (mainly the footwear choices) are just too cool to not buy!

Fatface (again), supply most of the ideas for the clothing looks as they not only deliver as far as quality goes but also they seem to be the ‘go to’ destination for those classic pieces every dude should own.

As far as my footwear choices I’ve gone for the uber cool New Balance/Grenson collaboration, a combining of two iconic British brands, creating what I personally believe to some of the coolest shoes out there!

The Grenson x NB 576 Welted (a thing of beauty…)

Bench-made in the UK with a traditional Goodyear welted sole, this limited edition 576 is made in the Grenson factory in Northampton UK. Dressed in beautiful leather and suede with brogue detailing, this extension of our classic 576 is a sophisticated collectible.

A snip at £405 😱

Ok so they aren’t exactly wallet friendly, but everything about them screams quality! They’re hand made in the U.K.!!

other Grenson x NB 576 (this one is only £300)…but look at them!! 😍

Selections to follow, but first a bit of ‘info on the inspo’…

Fatface turn 30 years old this year…30!!

(See my previous posts about their humble beginnings)


Yeah right! It’s not that much of a shock to their CEO Anthony Thompson, he has a total belief in the product and more importantly the people representing the brand, not just the crew, but the also the customers who buy it too.

It’s testament to a Fatface’s continued success (and it is continued!) that the customer and the quality and reputation of the product are at the forefront of everything they do.

This season sees them go ‘simple’ but with a cheeky little smattering of ‘cool’ thrown in for good measure.

(I’m not actually sure if that was the idea, I’m not even sure they’d class themselves as ‘cool’!)

Nether the less…there are some ‘cool’ (there’s that word again!) pieces hidden in amongst the ‘classic’ gems that you definitely need to consider next time you pop in.

From left to right: White organic cotton t-shirt, Straight ‘selvedge’ denim jeans, Harris ‘shacket’, Star Patchwork scarf (from women’s dept!), Wittering Surf suede peak snap back. Shoes as mentioned earlier

From left to right: Mountain Hill padded jacket, Wittering surf Raglan t-shirt, Pembroke zip through hooded sweat, denim as before, hat as before

From left to right: Millford four pocket jacket (made with Millerain waxed cotton!), organic t-shirt, Snowdon check shirt, Calgary Crew neck jumper, denim as before

From left to right: Snowdon zip through hood, Terry stripe Henley t-shirt, Slim fit raw denim jeans, Jacksdale Gillet, shoes as before, (Boston hat by New Era)

From left to right: Minworth four pocket military jacket, Plain oxford shirt, Lowick hemp cotton Henley t-shirt, denim as before, New Era NY cap, Premium messenger bag, shoes as before.

The attention to detail and use of premium fabrics stand this current season apart, the introduction of Millerain waxed cotton and ‘hemp cotton’ add to the already impressive list of innovative products available at Fatface.

I hope you like this little taster into the new season, there’s a lot of exciting things on the horizon and you can be sure I’ll bring you them as soon as i hear anything!

Happy 30th Fatface, here to at least another 30!!

Check out the fantastic new product here.til next time…

Peace and Love ❤️

Winter is coming (Jon Snow)…

I don’t watch Game of Thrones (GOT) but, “Winter is definitely coming”

It arrived quite spectacularly literally 2 days before I wrote this post.

Hang on…rewind…’You DONT watch GOT?!?

Nope…you read it right!

I don’t, believe me, I’ve tried.

I just don’t get the same buzz watching GOT as I do watching Vikings or Peaky Blinders or for that matter freshly applied paint drying!

It is of course a matter of taste.

Sean Bean the greatest thing to come out of Sheffield other than the M67

Poor old Sean, he did it again, gets his sen (that’s Sheffield for himself) cast in an epic role, does his finest Sheffield accent (he was from the north), then gets killed off?!?

(There’s history here…it’s almost like Mr Bean gets found out to be a bit of a one accent type actor, then the producers have a meeting and he’s killed off!)

Winter is coming and you’re telling me there’s a boycott on fur?”

For me, I find the less fictional world of Vikings far more appealing (I would though right?), now into its 5th season and (spoiler alert!) without the main protagonist Ragnar Lothbrok I thought it would struggle to keep me entertained…how very wrong was I?!

Instead, the producers have, since season 4, been steadily building the characters and personalities of Ragnar’s sons, the most standout of whom is the incredibly named ‘Ivar the boneless’ (he was born with no bones in his legs…name kind of makes sense really!) he was slightly less fortunate than his brother ‘Thörsten glue ear’ (I may have made that one up) who’s condition soon cleared up.

Ivar is single handily carrying the new season on his little boneless legs, and thus far (along with brilliant performances by Jonathan Rhys Meyers as the warrior Bishop Heahmund) is quite literally making you want more!

Team that with the fact that the awesome ‘Floki’ played by Gustaf Skarsgard is back and you’ve got yourselves another great season to watch out for!

Floki crazy but great with an axe!

This is exactly why Vikings shouldn’t attempt to shave with a battle axe!

I’m also loving the new season of Peaky Blinders not just because it’s set in Birmingham (where I work and thus have a hint of brummie in my accent) but, also because of it’s sartorial excellence (the Blinders dress to impress and kill, quite literally!)

This season starts where the last left off…if season 3 left you hanging, then Season 4 starts you…well…almost hanging!

the Blinders, a suit salesman’s dream!

The introduction of Adrien Brody as ‘Luca Changretta’ is an absolute master stroke …he’s an incredible character, evil, calculated and almost a step ahead of the normally well prepared Shelby family, he is a great foil for Cillian Murphy’s ‘Tommy Shelby’ (OBE), it’s making for a great season and is playing out like a game of chess between two masters.

So, me being me…the styleviking, I couldn’t leave you without my ode to the style of the Peaky Blinders.

If you know me (I think you should by now!) you’ll know that I quite often like to mix it up a bit, so where as my ‘day’ job requires me to wear casual ‘everyday’ wear, whenever possible, I like to smarten things up and crack out the tweed!

“you staring at my pint?!”

Tweed 2 piece in charcoal grey, worn with Edwin Japanese denim, an Irish Linen stripe shirt, accessorised with a pocket watch and a classic ‘baker boy’ hat (without the razor blade!)

I call it my ‘Blind Peaky Viking’!

Until next time…

“Stay safe, by order of the Peaky Blind Viking”

Hi Summer! We’ve missed you!

As the great lyricist once said…

Summer, summer, summertime

Time to sit back and unwind ‘

Of course, it was Will Smith and his huge hit with DJ Jazzy Jeff ‘Summertime’

Did you know, Will Smith doesn’t have to cuss in his records?…

If you are reading this in a country that quite often has long summers, prolonged periods of high temperatures and skies that are often tinged with that mystical colour we like to refer to as ‘blue’, you’ll probably be thinking “What’s the big deal?”

Firstly…bully for you!

Secondly…we Brits are subjected to grey skies for almost the whole of the year!

Thirdly…the moment the fiery ball in the sky shows…(I think you call it ‘the Sun’?) we like to expose our pasty white flesh and turn it pink as quick as possible without even a thought for our well being!

Let’s face it, you’d do the same if your weather was as unpredictable as ours!

This picture was taken on my ‘summer’ holidays last July!

☝🏼 I may have made that bit up…

Seriously though! We brits have to take full advantage of the nice weather as we never know how long we’ve got it for!
Last week was a great example…
In the early part of the week we had temperatures hitting the heady heights of the early 20’s C!?!
The latter part of the week, I was scraping ice off my car and cracking out my thermals!

I really wasn’t prepared for that…😖

Where is this going I hear you ask?

It’s simple really…

The minute the stores start to get in their Summer ranges and start showcasing bright colours and lighter weight products…the clock is ticking people!
Sure, we can go abroad and enjoy the weather, but it would just be nice to enjoy our beautiful (and it is beautiful) country.

I must admit that I’m that dude who cracks out my legs at the mere hint of the temperature reaching double figures, I’m longer in the tooth now, so I know it’s short lived and I’m gonna get the wear out of my new shorts if I have to get hyperthermia to do it!

What I think I look like…☝🏼
What I really look like! (Without the hat obviously!)☝🏼

Don’t panic though!
You guys can trust me right?

I’ve added some pics of some of my favourite summer pieces and even put them together into outfits that are great for the Summer season when it finally arrives! 
All of my selected outfits are available from Fatface in stores and online here.

Outfit 1: Cotton/Linen mix shirt, Organic cotton crew t-shirt, Reef tropical leaf shorts, Acetate sunglasses and ‘Burcot’ suede flops click here

Outfit 2:  100% linen shirt, Denim shorts, Four stripe t-shirt, ‘Henley’ flip flops, acetate sunglasses 😎 
☝🏼The Linen shirt is exquisite! It’s made with the finest Irish Linen produced by Baird Mcnutt, Linen producers since 1912☝🏼

Outfit 3: ‘Amble’ check shirt, Sunshine graphic t-shirt, lightweight chino shorts, ‘Henley’ flip flops, sunglasses as before.
Outfit 4: ‘Pembroke’ zip through hoodie, ‘Day of the week’ graphic tee, Coral print swim shorts, Branded flip flops.

Outfit 5: ‘Pembroke’ graphic hoodie, Indigo highlight stripe t-shirt, ‘Breakyard’ cargo shorts, sunglasses and flops as before.
Hope you enjoyed the choices!

Remember these golden rules for Summer…

  • Don’t skip leg day at the gym!
  • Apply sun cream even under the greyness
  • If you’re a ginger (like me) stay indoors if the temperature goes above 24!
  • Don’t be afraid of colour and print!

Thanks for reading, drop me a line if you have any questions.

Until next time…

Peace and love.

Vernal equinox has sprung!

Hello again,

The title above is just a smart ass way of saying ‘vernal’ (spring) and ‘equinox’ from the Latin equi  or ‘equal’ and nox or ‘night’ meaning literally ‘equal night’ (as we now have 12 hours of day and 12 hours of night)

It means in plain English that ‘Spring has finally arrived!’

Spring in all its glory…daffodils and spring lambs awwwwwww

What does it mean for us in the fashion industry, or indeed for the everyday dudes out there?

Depends how you look at it…

Fashion retailers love Spring!

It’s when we’ve finally shook off the the remnants of Sale and heavier, darker colours and fabrics, we’re no longer going to work in the dark and coming home in the dark, we’ve had new brighter, lighter products arrive…heck, our whole mood is lifted!

Average Joe…might not even notice the change!


The average customer ( you ladies aren’t included in this) will suddenly realise he has a major wardrobe change on the horizon, as he’s going to have to invest in some ‘newness’ to take him through to the summer months…

The female shopper is already five steps ahead here, she’s already grabbed several bargains in the Sale for next year, now she’s done her research online  and is wearing her Springier (if there is such a word!) garments while her other half won’t let go of his trusty ‘goes with everything 80% wool sweater…

Sound familiar?

I really have no words for this ⬆️


Trust me when I tell you, you need to buy several ‘key’ pieces in Spring that will easily take your wardrobe forward towards Summer, you can wear the following pieces equally day or night (see what I did there?) and you won’t have to break the bank.

Plus, if you know me, you know you’ll look cool with it!

My choices are as follows…

From left to right:  Cotton/Linen Blazer, ‘Harrison’ Gingham Shirt, ‘Stanhope’ plain shirt and ‘Westville’ Utility Check shirtall Fatface available here.

Left to right: ‘Fat Head’ graphic print t-shirt, Organic stub crew neck and Classic organic cotton polo shirt…all Fatface available here. 

The ‘you never know what the weather is gonna do‘ section…

Left to right: Lightweight Chino shorts, ‘Cove’ flat front shorts, ‘Otterden’ Jacket, ‘Nick’ vintage sunglasses in black and tortoiseshell and ‘Southwick’ 100% linen crew neck sweater…all Fatface available here

Next…the denim you should already have in your wardrobe (especially if you read my last post!)

again…both styles are from Fatface 

Within that selection ⬆️, there are some very versatile pieces, (if you remember last time, I said that the key to creating a good wardrobe is to ensure you buy ‘classic’ garments that won’t date and that you can easily mix and match with) 

So with that in mind here are the outfits I’ve selected.

In each case, you will see in the first picture the ‘day‘ outfit, (utilising some of the pieces from this post and my last) and in the second picture, I’ve tweaked the selection to make it a more appropriate ‘night‘ outfit… ‘Equinox‘ 

Day 🌞


get the idea? In this case, I’ve simply added the cotton/linen blazer and a pair of brogues. The shirt in the first pic, would be worn completely unbuttoned, whereas for the evening, it would be fastened…

Sorry, I know…Granny is sucking eggs…

I love ❤️ the graphic t-shirt with the retro logo!!

You need this blazer in your life!!

And last but not least (featuring that blazer…again)

Obviously we’d all love to have every  item featured in this post at our disposal (what’s stopping you?!)
I’m simply showing you, that with a couple of savvy purchases, you’re going to be set for vernal equinox and heading into Summer well prepared and looking sharp!

Hope you enjoyed this post.
Until next time…

Peace and love.

Behold! The capsule wardrobe…

You may recall that in my last post I wrote about showing how I pull together a capsule wardrobe…

So here goes…

I’ve gone with less than 20 clothing items, but added several accessories and 1 (yes 1!) pair of boots!

Don’t panic!

I clearly have wayyyy more than one pair of shoes (more than 50 to be precise!)

I am simply demonstrating that the items selected are super versatile, you could quite easily swap the boots for a more seasonal pair as and when required, the clothing items however, could easily last you months.


Simple really, by mixing and matching the pieces I’ve selected you can come up with hundreds of different outfit ideas that will carry you right through spring and in to Summer.

You will need to have an idea on how you want to create your own personal look, using key pieces throughout and ‘classics‘ that pretty much don’t date, you should find it easy to achieve.

So, firstly I’d like to show you the options I have chosen, followed by a small selection of outfits (I literally could’ve filled this whole post with outfit ideas!)

The bottom options were easy…from left to right Slim fit ‘selvedge‘ denim, Portland chinos in navy blue and (the most exciting!) ‘Two year two washes’ stretch slim fit denim all by Fatface available here.

If you know me, you will know that I’m passionate and slightly obsessed with 2 things…Coffee (don’t do instant or cheap) and Denim (usually Japanese, always selvedge!)

Why selvedge

What is selvedge?

This explains it…

Initially known as ‘self-edge’, the selvedge is the narrow, tightly woven band on both edges of the denim fabric. A selvedge end prevents the edge of the denim from unravelling and shows a clean, finished look. Old shuttle looms produce denim where selvedges are closed.

Having purchased a couple of pairs of expensive selvedge jeans (both Japanese) I went through the pain barrier of only washing them twice in 12 months (storing them in the freezer to self clean) and spent over £250 for the pleasure!

Good denim isn’t cheap and cheap denim isn’t good! 

How impressed was I then, when I spot the two styles of denim above both available without the ridiculous price tag, both incredible pieces that fit and look superb!

The Portland Chino is an absolute classic, I personally would wear them rolled up above the ankles, to pay homage to the effortless ‘coolness’ demonstrated by Japanese and Scandinavian street styles.

(See my last post ‘Find you own groove‘)

From left to right: Denim Jacket, Heysham popover hoody, graduated stripe crew neck, Roseville Jacket, Contrast ringer stripe t-shirt, light indigo stripe crew, indigo Breton crew neck, organic cotton t-shirt in ‘dark ink’ and Phillimore Utility denim shirt.

All items apart from the denim jacket are available from Fatface here

From left to right:  Contrast ringer stripe t-shirt, Clachan fine stripe shirt in Japanese blue, Plain Oxford shirt in Redwood, Plain Oxford shirt in white and Stripe Oxford shirt.

All available from Fatface here.

last but not least…

from left to right: Military Overshirt/Jacket, Navy beanie, Organic t-shirt white, Textured scarf in Olive and Gold (actually ladies!), Burgundy beanie, Leather stitch detail belt and canvas belt.

All available from Fatface (apart from the boots!)

As the weather improves, replace the scarves and beanies with more seasonal relevant products.

The outfit builds…

Styling tips…

It’s personal preference, but I prefer my shirts buttoned to the top, unless I’m layering with a striped t-shirt (see image 7) 
Remember to roll up those jeans to show off the selvedge details, you can do double denim, just make sure you layer it and choose different washes!

As for the accessories, I often wear a nice scarf, quite often a ladies scarf at that!
Be brave in your choices and dress to impress…yourself!
Hope you liked it!
Until next time…

Peace and love.

Find your own groove…

Greetings friends…

Now that I am in my 46th year of existence/existing on this beautiful planet, I’ve been thinking a lot about my legacy…(don’t worry, I’m not planning on going anywhere just yet!)

I’ve pretty much been doing the same type of job for over 25 years (yikes!) and in that time have seen many businesses go under, two recessions and still find the energy and passion to keep doing what I’m doing.

What drives me on?

Good question.

Thanks 🙂

Back in the late 80’s (probably before most of you were even born!), I fell in to the fashion industry.

As a young man, I’d joined the armed forces hoping to follow in my father’s footsteps, it all came to an abrupt end through injury, I got into retail as a stopgap.

That’s one looooonnnngggg stopgap!

I’m actually a big fan of khaki, just not all over!

There has been several occasions when I almost quit the industry, the aforementioned recessions (the first one was a lot worse and I don’t mean the one in the 1930’s!), then there was the time when shops first decided to open on a Sunday (yes, I really am that old, that I remember the days before Sunday opening!) and there has been times when I felt that I was probably ‘doing it all wrong’ because I cared too much about colleagues and customers.

In fact, I wasn’t doing it wrong, I was just working for people who really couldn’t care less as long as they made profit

I took a sabbatical, after 25 years, I took myself away from it and tried to find my own groove.

I loved fashion, style, shopping, writing, and prior to my epiphany had worked very closely with buyers and press teams to advise and showcase products.

I appeared on live ‘Google hangouts’ about men’s style and also wrote online magazine articles about the same, I’d really made a big impact with one of the high streets big players.

That said, it was also becoming quite apparent that despite all of my extra curricular effort, at store level things weren’t great.

Product quality was suffering and the cost saving exercise was really affecting the morale of my people.

Two years down the line and the very same company have announced a fall in Sales and profits, blaming lower footfall and excessive discounting on the high street (a bit of a cheek when you consider that they are one of the worst for constantly discounting and running offers!)

I have always been really interested in fashion, men’s style in particular has always intrigued me. Especially when you consider that in most cases, it’s menswear that has the biggest growth potential.

In the olden days there were no such words as ‘metrosexual’ or ‘hipsters’, guys definitely didn’t care about their skincare regime and bought clothes when the holes in their pants became obscene!

It’s interesting then to fast forward 20 years, and men’s skincare has gone from half a shelf to a whole aisle in your local pharmacy, and barbershops are popping up everywhere!

Dudes are really starting to think more about their appearance, whether it’s the way we dress or how we groom ourselves.

This guy has never even heard of Nivea for men!👆🏿

Now, you’ve probably guessed that I take my style quite seriously, or more that I’m serious about what I consider style.

I’m not a sheep.

I don’t follow fickle fashion fads (try saying that with a mouthful of wine gums!), I dress how I like, I’m not trying to impress, I’m not obsessed and to an extent don’t really care what people think about the way I dress (trust me, I get comments!)

So, where is this going?

I’ll tell you…

My style comes from loving what I do, it comes from years of experience, it comes from trial and error (yes, I even had a pair of boot cut jeans!), but mostly it comes from being comfortable with who I am and how I look.

Joking apart, I don’t have too many hang ups, we all have bad moustache days right?

Our ideas of what is ‘fashionable’ is primarily dictated by advertising and labels, the high street is awash with fad fashion, trends come and go in a flash, what was considered cool one week, is soooo ‘last week’ the next.

Charity shop chic?  Wrong! This was taken at one of the high street behemoths prime locations! Seriously! Look at the outfits?!

Ok, some folk might consider the above image cool, horses for courses right?

Not for me…

My wardrobe is made up of items that I can wear year after year, ‘classics’.

I’ve also invested well too, I have bought a few ‘key’ items that can make your wardrobe versatile ( I’ll go into that more at a later date 😉)

What am I wearing?

I’m a big fan of Japanese denim and Japanese style, and also love the simplistic style of the Scandinavians ( I am a Norseman after all!)

You don’t have to break the bank and buy overpriced labels either, I’ll show you in my next blog how to achieve cool looks on a budget, I’ll also show you how to create a capsule wardrobe that will take you through a whole season!

Until next time…
Peace and love.

The times they are a changin’

The title of today’s post is very topical for several reasons…

Firstly, they are of course lyrics (from the same titled song) by Nobel Prize for literature winner and legend Bob Dylan.👇🏻Bob…way too cool for school


If you’ve read some of my last few pieces (thanks by the way😬) you’ll know that there are changes a’foot within the way we work and the way we have operated for sooooo long…(change is good, embrace it and the transition will be easier)

Well said Bob.

Thirdly (and this is where it all links to style…)

The biggest change is in the season.

Even the most die hard of us desperately trying to cling to summer have to admit defeat sometime and put the shorts and the flip flops away until next year…nobody wants to see this👇🏻

I’ve never understood the whole jeans and flip flops thing

Temperatures have dropped and the evenings are drawing in, I leave for work in the dark and (thanks to working in a centre not seeing any daylight) go home in the dark.

Only 2 weeks ago we were experiencing temperatures in the high 20’s!

I stood waiting for a train early last week and there was a cold wind biting at my ankles (I do roll my jeans quite short!) and I thought to myself “time to crack out the layers”.

I’m not one for big heavy coats or huge padded pieces, I don’t care about ‘hat hair’ (don’t have much, it’s mainly on my chin!) so will wear a nice warm hat and I definitely wear a scarf and gloves when the weather requires it.

Lenny Kravitz…he likes a big scarf
That scarf is ridiculous☝🏻️😂… you’d have to be able to lift your whole body weight to carry it and it probably took the wool from at least 6 sheep!

I’ve picked a nice selection of scarves ‘n stuff for you, pulled some cheeky outfits together too…enjoy 👍🏼

Top left: Reverse knit beanie £18 Top right: Reverse knit snood £28

Wear with…All available from Fatface

Jacquard Check edge scarf £25

Wear with…

Sussex four pocket wax jacket £85
Nice warm hues, with a chic beret and classic Chelsea boots teamed up with a soft feel cardigan and contrasting Breton tee…all Fatface 
To prove that capes aren’t just for superheroes…

Blanket Stitch Brushed cape £32

Wear smart or casual…

Choose your mood…

A lot can be said for the company you keep and indeed the people you work for.

I’ve been in this game for well over 25 years, taking a brief hiatus last year when I ran a pub…(interesting career choice.)

I’m a lucky man, I have a loving wife (God knows how she’s put up with me for so long!), two beautiful boys and more recently have found a job and a company that I love…

Love?! 😍❤️

I’ve worked for some of the biggest retailers on the high street and I can tell you from first hand experience that some of them aren’t much for ‘loving their people’.

Richard Branson famously said…

Clients do not come first.

Employees come first…if you treat your employees well enough, they will look after your clients.”

Sir Richard Branson…a nice dude to work for

So, after so long in this profession I feel finally like I’ve come ‘home’.

It’s not meant to be clichéd or ‘cheesy’, but I definitely feel valued where I am right now…

“Made well, worn well since 1988”

☝🏻️That’s something they’ve staked their claim on since day one!☝🏻

The reason why so many customers keep coming back?,

Yes, they’re synonymous for quality of their products, but there is also a reason why so many of their crew have worked for them for so long.

From the top down they treat people with respect…and fun is their middle name!

In the past I have written about British Heritage brands like Ben Sherman and Fred Perry, who between them have racked up over 110 years history.

Then there are  Topshop, River Island (originally Chelsea Girl) and New Look on the high street that all have over 40 years of history each, all of whom have changed massively since their incarnation all those years ago.

They have all lost that ‘family heritage’ feel that they had when they first started, some would say that they’ve even got a bit big for their boots, forgetting about their people and worst still…ignoring the customer. (Check out my blog ‘Ignore me at your peril’)

Fatface encompass all that is good about heritage.

They have never forgotten their origins, have stayed true to their morals and values and continue to trade with trust, honesty and integrity.

So what defines a ‘heritage brand’?

In my opinion it is a brand that maintains its originality, it’s values are consistent, it is ethical, responsible and continues to grow and evolve, without forgetting about its most valuable resource…its people.

So, the title for this post ‘Choose your mood…’ refers to the way in which you conduct yourselves on a personal level and the public’s perception of you.

A wise man once said that it takes years to build a reputation, but with modern technology and ‘instant’ feedback through social media, it takes seconds to destroy it. Literally thousands of people can now ‘dislike’ you in seconds!

Never a truer word spoken…

We are under the microscope almost all of the time, team that with the fact that there is little or no loyalty on the high street and it makes your behaviour and your reputation super important.

Fatface have always, always had a great reputation. Their product (as stated earlier) is exceptional, quality is key and has been that way since 1988.

As far as ‘crew’ goes, (in my opinion) they’re some of the best on the high street.

Genuine, willing and ‘wanting‘ to do a great job instead of ‘having‘ to do a great job.

Trust me, it makes a huge difference!

Look at yourself in the mirror, ask yourself this…

Am I doing the best that I can?”

“Do I inspire others?”

If you can honestly answer both questions, regardless of the outcome, then you are already on the right path…

Anthony Thompson CEO is fully aware of how important honesty and reputation are, he talks with great pride about where his company has come from and how they have sustained growth through the toughest times.

He also talks about being honest and about the need for change.One of my favourite quotes…

Do you feel inspired?

I’ll leave you with one of my other favourite quotes…

Until next time…‘Washed in happiness, worn with pride’


The nightwear edit…

Marilyn Monroe famously said that she wore nothing to bed but Chanel No.5

As a dude, I can’t say that I get too excited about loungewear or nightwear, but my female acquaintances on the other hand…get super excited.

They put as much effort in to buying PJ’s as they would if they were buying an outfit for a special occasion, in fact, I would go as far as saying that they put in way more effort!

Marilyn Monroe’s admittance to wearing nothing but perfume to bed certainly caused a stir back in the day, I’m sure that if she had seen the range of nightwear and loungewear I’ve selected below, she’d have changed her mind.

As ever I have selected products from the range available at Fatface.

If Fatface do Autumn/Winter well, then they are the destination for PJ’s and everything that goes with them.

This years selection is their best yet (their words!), with new improved fabrics and fits, they have pretty much cornered the market.

As I have seen the product first hand with a bunch of folk, I couldn’t help but notice the little squeals of delight and joy that a simple pair of PJ bottoms brings, it’s like a soft pair of PJ’s instantly allows the wearer to regress back to their childhood, where there was no stress, nothing to worry about and the thought of being tucked up warm in your bed with the smell of fresh PJ’s soft against your skin…wait!! It’s affecting me now!


Top: ‘Avebury‘ rib Henley £20 

Pants: ‘Upaven‘ jacquard check cuffed lounge pants £30

Slipper bootsFreya‘ fluffy boots (to help cheer up chilly feet!) £25


Top: ‘Fosbury‘ Lounge Sweat £30

Bottoms: ‘Chute‘ Star cuffed lounge pants £28

Slippers as before


The buyers and designers are really happy with this years collection, they have been hard at work changing fabrics and improving fits (again, acting on customer feedback).

What they’ve come up with are softer brushed (inside and out) cottons and new ‘cuffed’ pants for added comfort. The sweats range are also ridiculously soft feel too, like you’re wearing a hug!!

Nightwear designers hard at work!

Below are more examples of some of the wonderful new ranges available in stores or from Fatface.com

Winter Wonderland’
Fun prints…

Look out for some amazing products including…slippers ‘hand made in Nepal‘, pyjama sets in cute little bags and muchmuch more!
You’re sucking your thumbs aren’t you!

Until next week…



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