Ramblings of a bearded fool

The times they are a changin’

The title of today’s post is very topical for several reasons…

Firstly, they are of course lyrics (from the same titled song) by Nobel Prize for literature winner and legend Bob Dylan.👇🏻Bob…way too cool for school


If you’ve read some of my last few pieces (thanks by the way😬) you’ll know that there are changes a’foot within the way we work and the way we have operated for sooooo long…(change is good, embrace it and the transition will be easier)

Well said Bob.

Thirdly (and this is where it all links to style…)

The biggest change is in the season.

Even the most die hard of us desperately trying to cling to summer have to admit defeat sometime and put the shorts and the flip flops away until next year…nobody wants to see this👇🏻

I’ve never understood the whole jeans and flip flops thing

Temperatures have dropped and the evenings are drawing in, I leave for work in the dark and (thanks to working in a centre not seeing any daylight) go home in the dark.

Only 2 weeks ago we were experiencing temperatures in the high 20’s!

I stood waiting for a train early last week and there was a cold wind biting at my ankles (I do roll my jeans quite short!) and I thought to myself “time to crack out the layers”.

I’m not one for big heavy coats or huge padded pieces, I don’t care about ‘hat hair’ (don’t have much, it’s mainly on my chin!) so will wear a nice warm hat and I definitely wear a scarf and gloves when the weather requires it.

Lenny Kravitz…he likes a big scarf
That scarf is ridiculous☝🏻️😂… you’d have to be able to lift your whole body weight to carry it and it probably took the wool from at least 6 sheep!

I’ve picked a nice selection of scarves ‘n stuff for you, pulled some cheeky outfits together too…enjoy 👍🏼

Top left: Reverse knit beanie £18 Top right: Reverse knit snood £28

Wear with…All available from Fatface

Jacquard Check edge scarf £25

Wear with…

Sussex four pocket wax jacket £85
Nice warm hues, with a chic beret and classic Chelsea boots teamed up with a soft feel cardigan and contrasting Breton tee…all Fatface 
To prove that capes aren’t just for superheroes…

Blanket Stitch Brushed cape £32

Wear smart or casual…

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