Ramblings of a bearded fool

The nightwear edit…

Marilyn Monroe famously said that she wore nothing to bed but Chanel No.5

As a dude, I can’t say that I get too excited about loungewear or nightwear, but my female acquaintances on the other hand…get super excited.

They put as much effort in to buying PJ’s as they would if they were buying an outfit for a special occasion, in fact, I would go as far as saying that they put in way more effort!

Marilyn Monroe’s admittance to wearing nothing but perfume to bed certainly caused a stir back in the day, I’m sure that if she had seen the range of nightwear and loungewear I’ve selected below, she’d have changed her mind.

As ever I have selected products from the range available at Fatface.

If Fatface do Autumn/Winter well, then they are the destination for PJ’s and everything that goes with them.

This years selection is their best yet (their words!), with new improved fabrics and fits, they have pretty much cornered the market.

As I have seen the product first hand with a bunch of folk, I couldn’t help but notice the little squeals of delight and joy that a simple pair of PJ bottoms brings, it’s like a soft pair of PJ’s instantly allows the wearer to regress back to their childhood, where there was no stress, nothing to worry about and the thought of being tucked up warm in your bed with the smell of fresh PJ’s soft against your skin…wait!! It’s affecting me now!


Top: ‘Avebury‘ rib Henley £20 

Pants: ‘Upaven‘ jacquard check cuffed lounge pants £30

Slipper bootsFreya‘ fluffy boots (to help cheer up chilly feet!) £25


Top: ‘Fosbury‘ Lounge Sweat £30

Bottoms: ‘Chute‘ Star cuffed lounge pants £28

Slippers as before


The buyers and designers are really happy with this years collection, they have been hard at work changing fabrics and improving fits (again, acting on customer feedback).

What they’ve come up with are softer brushed (inside and out) cottons and new ‘cuffed’ pants for added comfort. The sweats range are also ridiculously soft feel too, like you’re wearing a hug!!

Nightwear designers hard at work!

Below are more examples of some of the wonderful new ranges available in stores or from Fatface.com

Winter Wonderland’
Fun prints…

Look out for some amazing products including…slippers ‘hand made in Nepal‘, pyjama sets in cute little bags and muchmuch more!
You’re sucking your thumbs aren’t you!

Until next week…


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