Ramblings of a bearded fool

Archive for April, 2014

Gentlemen it’s all in the beard…


When I say it’s all in the beard…I don’t mean my last meal!

I’ve taken to Instagram and Twitter recently, and have posted a few ‘beard selfies’.

The response has been really good!

It seems that there are some big beard fans out there, and some fans with big beards!

Followers from all walks of life, tattooists, beard product companies, (from all over the world!) , bearded fellas from all over the world, ladies from all over the world (bit of a theme going on there…)

I have to say though that I was most happy that I came across a couple of independent clothing lines, that upon liking my photos got me fully hooked on their products…(damn it! That’s exactly why they did it!!) good marketing guys…

One of my favourites was Mundane Attire

Their product is awesome!


front and back printed raglan


‘Sold to the man with the exceptional beard’ in black and white…my favourite!

The products I’ve featured are all from the Unchained collection and are available online now at www.mundaneattire.com they also ship worldwide so there’s no excuses!

It’s not just t-shirts either,on the website you can pick up a nice beanie hat, there’s sweatshirts, ladies t-shirts, and the amazing ‘Unique’ product.

Loving this coat!!

And finally this cracking t shirt,with a brilliant back print…



That’s it for the cool clothing, now on to to my latest beard grooming product.

Oliver & Jenkinson beard oil

I briefly mentioned it in my last post, I didn’t really give it enough praise!

Kudos to the creators of this awesome product.

Not only does my beard feel softer and well conditioned, but it smells great too!
3 great fragrances, Arctic Ice, Original and Cedar & Lime

There are loads of companies that produce men’s grooming products online, they can be quite expensive.

Oliver & Jenkinson are not only inexpensive (3 bottles for £15?!) ,but they’re also made in the wonderful city of Manchester!
Home of course to my beloved Manchester City!!
Available online beard oils by Oliver & Jenkinson

If you’re a bearded chap, you need this oil in your life, in fact, if you are a bearded chap and you don’t use oil to condition your face fuzz, then shame on you!

Trust me when I say this, but if you’re other half isn’t a fan of you rough wiry facial hair, crack out the beard oil and feel the difference.

Another tip here…don’t wash your facial hair with ordinary shampoo,it’s not designed for your face, so it dries your beard out!
Use a specifically designed beard shampoo and conditioner ( you’ll thank me…) then apply your beard oil whilst your beard is still damp.
Then use a nice wide tooth comb or brush to tame it.

That’s the beard done…don’t even get me started on the moustache!!


Peace and love to all.

Beard envy and the blues…


Good day to you.

Today’s post is a bit of a mismatch of thoughts and feelings with a bit of style to top it off!

It has come to my attention that my beard has become a separate entity…

Seriously, my beard really does seem to have attracted it’s own following!

I’ve had loads of really positive comments,usually around how long it has taken to grow it,and what products do you use in it (see one of my earlier posts).
The only negativity I’ve had is usually from the sportswear clad, jokers who spend their hard earned benefit cheques at Sports Direct and even my good lady!

For the record here, sportswear, the clue is in the name.

Items of clothing worn whilst partaking in sporting activities

On my last visit for a beard trim and pampering at www.murdocklondon.com talking to my barber Gavin, he said the only people that give you grief about a beard are the totally unstylish and those that can’t grow one!


He also said that next time my good lady makes a comment like “you should shave it off!” that I should reply…”Why don’t you shave your head!”

That’d go down well me thinks…

I’m really enjoying being a bearded gent.

There is a quote that says

Grow a beard and you become 80% hotter

I’m definitely 23% warmer!

And I also believe that 88.8% of all statistics are made up on the spot!
(If you see what I mean…)

I think what irks my good lady more than anything now, is that I spend a lot more time in the bathroom than I did when I was a hairless bald man!
