Ramblings of a bearded fool

Archive for March, 2014

High summer anyone?


Hello again folks!

I was lucky enough to be invited to view New Look’s high summer range at their press office in London.

I set off at 6am,to catch the early train to allow for missing the dreaded rush hour.
I left in thick fog,and arrived in London in glorious sunshine!

With Bob Marley’s “The sun is shining” playing in my head,I decided to take a stroll from Marylebone Station,and enjoy the weather instead of catching the tube.

To be fair,I think half of the commuters had made the same decision,as there was loads of people heading the same way as me!

Half way down Baker Street is my port of call for a nice strong coffee and a pastry to help me refuel.

I got to Oxford Street around 9am,there wasn’t many people around,but then there also weren’t any stores open yet!

On to New Look’s head quarters,in the fashion district at the back of Oxford Street.

The press room looked fantastic yet again!

This time it was like a blast of colour,one,I definitely heard “Club Tropicana” by Wham…at least I don’t think it was just in my head!

The colour palettes and prints were stunning,they reminded me of tropical holidays,ice cream sorbets,and there was a bit of animal print in there too…pretty much something for everyone.





see what I mean about tropical holidays!

Awesome printed shorts

it’s clear that the buying teams really have worked together to offer the complete package,footwear and accessories that compliment every trend/colour palette


amazing embellished sandals


ocean shades,from Caribbean to Pacific,

every shape and colour under the sun!

Now for my favourite pieces on the day…






‘Skorts’ in sorbet shades…


It would probably take a few more blogs to show you everything,but then I’d also like to leave you with some surprises!

I think you’ll agree though,there are some stunning pieces on their way!

Excited?…you should be!

Well done New Look

Until next time…


Enjoy the sun!

50 shades of grey…


Don’t worry I’m not about to start writing about that book.
Nor am I about to write a blog all about grey clothes.

Hello again,

The 50 shades of grey I’m referring to is actually our skies for the last 50 days (and more) in good old ‘Blighty’.

It’s very easy to get stuck in a rut when the weather is awful,you just want to wrap up,keeping warm and dry take priority over how you look (well I still try and look cool!)

After weeks of terrible rain,and strong wind,the sun finally made an appearance,in fact,it did more than that!
Temperatures at the weekend broke all records,and with the sun,comes the bright spring fashion and even makes us want to crack out our pasty British legs!!
(Unless of course some of you boys visit the local tanning shop!)

I’ve pulled some great products together for you,and created some cool Spring outfits ready for the forthcoming sunshine.

First up… every man needs this shirt in their wardrobe!…or one similar


The floral shirt has got to be one of your first purchases this season,wear it with jeans or shorts (when the weather gets a bit warmer!),it really is a pretty versatile piece.

Next up… I’ve chosen several tee shirt options.





Again,you’ll notice a floral element in there. Floral is massive this season for men,don’t worry guys it’s perfectly ok for you to wear it,we’ll all be wearing it!

Shorts anyone?

Awesome range,wouldn’t you agree?
Pretty much something for everyone above.
From the bright floral skater shorts,to the red paisley print chino shorts,to the more conservative plain slim chino shorts…all happy!



Layering pieces…you never know what the weather will bring!

I’ve featured the above floral bomber in another post,it had previously sold out…but it’s back in stock…and awesome!

Here’s some ideas for you,hope you like them!







I was a bit sneaky there!
I threw in a couple of other pieces not mentioned earlier!
However,I think you’ll agree,that they compliment the Spring look’s really well.
In each outfit you have your conversation piece,new trend pieces and good accessories too (if I may say so myself!)

So you’re pretty much set for the coming season,now is the time to start experimenting with colour,be brave!

All products featured are available in store or online at www.newlook.com

Thanks for reading!

Until next time…

Stay safe,go floral!

When I grow up I’m going to be…


So,what did I want to be when I grew up?…assuming of course that at 42 I have grown up! (I’m not entirely convinced!)
As a kid growing up in the 70’s and 80’s,I can pretty much say that I wanted to be a professional footballer…for my beloved Manchester City,and to be fair during the 80’s if I’d taken my boots to the match I’d’ve probably got a game!! (We were pretty useless before the billionaires moved in)
I played so much football as a kid that my poor mother couldn’t clean my clothes quick enough,I even on occasion played in muddy clothes from the day before…I just turned them back to front!!

I also dabbled in several different martial arts as a youth so naturally wanted to be Bruce Lee!

The big problem with that was my big toe on my left foot,namely that I broke it 4 times in the space of 4 weeks!!
So off I slunk with my glass toe,and didn’t kick anyone or anything in anger for several years later!

You might ask “where are you going with this?”

I’ll tell you if you give me a minute!

It’s like this,since becoming a parent,I’ve realised that actually,my own parents were pretty damn good!
They weren’t pushy,and let my brothers and I follow our own paths,and even when things didn’t quite work out,they were always there to support
Becoming a parent changes your whole outlook on life,it changes your priorities too.
I’m now at the point where I care nothing for material gain,nor any sort of luxuries,my focus instead is purely for the well being of my little man.
Yes I have nice clothes,and I’d like a nice holiday every now and then,but it counts for nothing…

My little boy is my whole world,and at 9 months old he has a lot to look forward to in his life.

Would I love him to become a great footballer,and live my dreams for me?
Would I love him to become a multi millionaire sportsman who’ll look after his old dad and make me comfortable in my latter years? (hmmm…sounds nice!)

The answer is quite simple…whatever he decides to do will make me happy,as long as he is happy (and doesn’t chose to play for Manchester Utd,I really would disown him then!!) I will always support him.

I jokingly say to my good lady that our boy will either be a footballer or a cage fighter! My other great passion.
(He’s far too pretty to be a cage fighter!)
You can imagine her answer!…and to be fair the images below aren’t a great advert for it!!


“Shrek scrubs up pretty well though to be fair!”
Until next time…
Stay safe.