Ramblings of a bearded fool

Archive for February, 2014

Classic pieces for every blokes wardrobe…


Greetings fellow style fans!

Today’s post is a simple guide to the ‘classic’ pieces every self respecting stylish bloke should have in his wardrobe.
The weather here in the UK has been shocking of late,we’ve had torrential rain and gale force winds,so much so that I was considering building myself an Ark!

It feels like Spring is on it’s way though,and with it comes the newness into our stores ( in fact,Spring/summer stock has been in stores since January!!), I’ve picked some great products that you can mix and match all of them are extremely versatile and as stated earlier absolute classic pieces that won’t date.

First up…the classic mac



The above double breasted belted mac,is a great example.
I always go on about fit and this one fits like a dream!
It’s a great item,well finished with a self coloured lining,it’s a must for our unpredictable weather.
I’ve bought this one in the stone colour,it’s also available in Navy blue too!
(I may have to purchase that one as well!)

Damn you New Look!!

Next…the gingham shirt

This has to be one of the most versatile shirts in my wardrobe,it look great worn casually with my jeans,or under one of my nice tweed numbers!
I just love a great fitting gingham shirt,New Look have got an absolute cracker out right now,available in 3 great colours (yeah thanks then…I’m gonna buy all 3 now!),and at £14.99 it’s ridiculously good value too!




Staying with shirts…the oxford has been a British Classic ever since Ben Sherman made them popular way back in 1963.
You don’t need to pay over the odds for a decent Oxford shirt though…the following are available in short or long sleeve,and in 3 colours you’ll probably want them all!


On to knitwear,and hopefully we won’t be needing to layer up too much in Spring,but as this is England you can’t guarantee that it won’t snow!

I’ve picked a nice lightweight crew neck,in 3 versatile colours (3 is the magic number after all!) they’re great for layering,or worn with just a shirt they look great.

and priced at just £14.99,you can get it in all 3 colours too!

Denim is a must!

I’ve picked the clean Skinny jean,as it looks smarter and pretty much suits most guys,the colours below offer more versatility and allow you to outfit build with the rest of the products I’ve selected with ease…



a nice grey pair to add something different 🙂

Footwear…one of my favourite subjects!

Every man should own a pair of Brogues,a pair of Desert boots and the navy blue option gives you something different instead of the usual tan or black options.
You don’t need to go for the Grenson’s or Loakes or even Clark’s Originals for that matter,New Look do a great version of all 3 styles for just £24.99 a pair?!

If you are regular followers of my blog,you will know that I’m a bit of a sucker for blazers…tweed ones in particular…below are two awesome blazers,in two different colours I wouldn’t normally chose,except they really are that good!




at £54.99,they also represent amazing value too!

As for my next item,the classic stone chino…pretty straight forward,but a wardrobe staple none the less,the ones below are only £14.99!?


Now let’s build some outfits!






Enough to get your teeth in to?
There’s so many outfits you can build with the classic items I’ve selected,they’re all great products,that fit well,and they won’t damage your bank balance too much either!!

All products featured are available in store or online at www.newlook.com ,menswear has never been so good!
Until next time…


Stay classic.

New Look’s ‘Discover Denim’ press event


Hello again,
I was recently invited to London by New Look’s social media guys for their ‘Discover Denim’ day.

Organising a press event at any time can be hard work.
Add in a tube strike and some of the worst weather in British history and you’ve got one of the worst possible combinations to keep people from coming!

But come they did!

New Look’s ‘Ugly Betty-esque’ head quarters are situated on Mortimer Street,right in the heart of the hustle and bustle.
The press team did a great job!
The press room was completely transformed into a Denim haven,big screens showing ways to wear,DJ’s,blue drinks,blue popcorn,and even blue candy floss!



Everything was blue except the mood in the room!


As the day went on,more and more bloggers braved the tornados and filed in to the safety of the denim room.

I had a good look at the new products that New Look were showcasing and have to say that their denim buyers have pretty much got everything and everyone covered!

Fabrics are luxurious,colours are sumptuous and the variety of fit,washes and garments on offer is mind boggling!




My personal favourite products on show were the ‘platinum denim’ range.
These were just stunning,the fabric is the softest denim I’ve felt,and the colour washes and finishing details on them look high end…and they only retail at £29.99!! What!?
Yep,you read it right!
New Look are synonymous for their great value,their new denim ranges don’t disappoint,in fact,I’m gonna stick my neck out and say that they’re pretty much the best on the high street right now.
Don’t just take my word for it though,get yourself down to their stores and see for yourself!



Blue popcorn!!

Now as far as fits go,you can pretty much get everything under one roof,you can go from Skinny to Supersoft super skinny,flares (yes they’re back!,and if they’re good enough for Victoria Beckham and Kim K,then they’re good enough for you!), then there’s the ‘Mom’ jeans,these are superb,a real throw back to the 80’s,a perfect retro fit,team them up with a soft blazer or boxy blouse,and a great pair of brogues and you’re ready for Spring! (When it arrives!…they really don’t look too great with flippers!)



the hatman attacking a poor defenceless denim jacket with a cheese grater..or ‘customising’ as it’s known!

As the day progressed,soft drinks turned to cocktails (blue in colour of course),fish and chips were served along side the very popular blue candy floss.
More and more bloggers and press arrived,the room took on a different atmosphere,it was more like a party now than a press event!
New Look’s social media guys were Tweeting,instagraming,facebooking,hash tagging anything and everything that was going on,in all it was a very enjoyable day.
Following on from the day New Look have also toured the country with their ‘Discover Denim’ bus,giving great advice and free jeans away in some of the big cities,check it’s progress on the website www.newlook.com

So there you have it,if it’s a great denim product you want or great advice,hit New Look online or in store,they’ve got something for everyone!


Hey and it’s even cool to do double denim,it’s official!!

Just don’t do this…

Denim overkill!

Until next time…


Stay safe.

London calling…


Greetings friends,

I was recently invited to London to view New Look’s fantastic denim range.
I was one of several bloggers that were invited to the event that New Look called their ‘discover denim’ day.

Firstly let me just say that TFL’s (transport for London’s) website stated that there would be no disruption to services on the Bakerloo line…
