Ramblings of a bearded fool

Archive for November, 2013

New Look SS14 Press day…


Hey there good people of blogsville…

I was recently lucky enough to be invited down to London to preview New Look’s SS14 (that’s Spring/Summer for the lay folk out there!) trends.

For over 40 years New Look have been a part of the great British high street,and have recently gone from strength to strength on the international market and e-commerce too.

They relaunched their brand this year,and have really started to make waves on what was becoming a pretty stagnant high street,they are giving some of their competitors a real run for their money,and if the SS14 trend preview is anything to go by,then watch this space…

    ‘Yesterday’s Tomorrow’




it’s all about creating signature prints,this monochrome floral with a hint of pastel pink is simply stunning

What’s noticeable straight away is that New Look’s buying teams are all on the same page,every department has delivered to make it easy for the customer to buy everything she wants under one roof…at affordable prices too!

Fabric detailing,embellishment and some new shapes are also on show in abundance,the product looks more premium than ever.

    ‘Neon Bloom’

Romantic,feminine,elegant and luxurious are just some of the words that could describe this next trend.
Here again,are some excellent examples of fabric detail,prints and some very expensive looking embellished tops,skirts and dresses…that scream ‘high end’ fashion.





perfect for that warm Spring evening,worn with a nice soft skirt or some skinny jeans…versatility personified.

This trend has some neon brights injected into it towards high summer,to bring us out of the softer pastels.
Again…I defy you to not find the matching bag and shoes ladies!
(Think I’ll be broke when my good lady sees this post!)

One of the more casual trends is ‘California Dreaming’
(You’re humming the Mama’s and Papa’s song right now aren’t you!)


With two totally different colour palettes on offer to take you from Spring to Summer (see below) this trend has more of a ‘boho’ feel to it.
From the soft floaty fabrics to the more quirky tribal prints,and the amazing quilted ‘bed jackets’,this was my personal favourite.




brilliant fabric detail,and animal prints are back with a bang!




Aztec influences,embellished/beaded detail and elements of lace,make this trend appeal to a wider audience…something for everyone

Another casual trend was ‘Seattle Grunge’.
‘Grunge’ seems to have been around forever (at least since the birth of the music genre that spawned the whole look!…early 90’s…cough…cough)
It’s almost a staple part of every day fashion,it’s timeless!

New Look however,have updated it and then shook it on it’s fuzzy ‘Nirvana’ filled head and thrown in some serious prints!
Again as before this trend has two very different colour palettes,from the more muted Spring shades,it then tantalises with hints of neon,and wait for it…tropical prints!
(High summer becomes ‘Seattle Surf’)



Mr Cobain would be very happy…possibly…

the soft pleated midi skirt is sure to be a winner

“Club tropicana drinks are free”…Stunning tropical themed prints for high summer



Spring/Summer knitwear is amazing! Check out the neon brights!


Excited?…you should be!!

There was so much to see and so much that exceeded my expectations,it would probably take several posts to capture it all!
If you’re like me (and there’s not many that are!) you’ll like more visual stimulation,so below are some piccies of some of the other products showcased on the day,it’s a shame you ladies have got to wait until SS14 to get your mits on them!
(Patience my pretties…patience…)








    “I’d just like to firstly congratulate New Look on their fantastic new ranges,and also thank them for their hospitality and for giving me the opportunity to preview SS14”

I’m off now to get a second job to pay for all of the things my good lady will be wanting from New Look…sigh

Until next time

Stay safe.

Some things get better with age…


A good bottle of wine,steak is generally better the older it is,even some actors seem to get better as they get older!

Where am I going with this?…

Well,having just celebrated (and I use that term very loosely!) my 42nd birthday,I have taken several moments to reflect on things a little…

When I was a lot younger I hated eating my vegetables (what kid actually likes eating vegetables?),but as I get older,I’ll eat any vegetables?!

Has my taste changed,or is it the fact that as i’m older, I now understand the benefits?

Don’t worry I’m not about to write a whole blog on vegetables,that’s not really my area of expertise,instead I’m writing about how as you mature,your sense of style and how you wear it changes…

I was recently asked by a good friend and journalism student about my sense of style,my influences,what you need to pull off an ‘English gent’ look,and even about men’s grooming due to my quite wonderful moustache and beard (even if i do say so myself!!)

So that’s what I’ve done…

The high street is awash with ‘Downton Abbey-esque’ styling,all stores seem to be getting in on the act too,I’ve given you several choices,from the value retailers right up to the ‘splurge’ retailers (I can only dream about spending that type of money!!)
Men are definitely ‘getting’ the look,we just need coaxing in the right direction and showing ways to wear the different products…

    Staples for achieving the ‘English Gent’ look are…

  • A good tweed blazer

  • A good cotton smart/’conversational piece’ shirt

  • A nice ‘clean’ (unripped) pair of skinny jeans

  • A good pair of tan brogues

  • A nice pocket square/ handkerchief
  • A stiff upper lip is not a necessity,nor do you have to have facial hair to successfully pull off the look!

    Topman have got a very strong offer on smart casual looks at the moment,they are selling genuine ‘Harris Tweed’,at £150 a piece for the blazers and £50 for the waistcoats,they’re a little bit more expensive but well worth it.


    Both blazers featured are ‘Harris Tweed’,all products available at www.topman.com
    Total cost of both outfits are £260 each…

    Double breasted Peter Werth blazer available at Topman.

    River Island have also pretty much nailed the look too…



    River Island’s ‘Holloway Road’ range is superb,with conversational print shirts,to bright tweed jackets,and excellent accessories,it’s a ‘one stop’ shop!
    Outfits priced from £250-£270 available at www.riverisland.com

    If you want to achieve this same look on a budget,then New Look is the place for you!
    It really is quite amazing how they can offer very similar styles of products that are excellently priced and still not skimping on the quality!!


    Both outfits come in at under £150!! and are available in selected stores or online at www.newlook.com

      Now prepare your tastebuds for something quite exquisite!!

    I’ve long been a fan of classic British Tailoring,and Savile Row in particular (see my earlier posts for evidence!!)
    I couldn’t possibly write a feature on the heritage look without including products from those who occupy the the No.1 spot on Savile Row (that’s actually their address!!) Gieves & Hawkes

    Now admittedly we haven’t all got the budget for the following products but,if you had,then you definitely would splurge!!

    Stunning Prince of Wales check suit,teamed with all the trimmings,including a quite beautiful pair of Loake brogues…total cost is over £1000!!….ouch

    Houndstooth tweed blazer,silk pocket square,shirt and tie all available from Gieves & Hawkes


    The only Brogue you should splurge on…Loake’s, made in England,using the finest leather and around £200 per pair

    Then comes the cherry on top,and my personal favourites from Holland Esquire

    Not only are these blazers and waistcoats beautifully made,and sumptuously finished off,but they are also a great example of English eccentricity…”check the lining!”
    At almost £500 each for the blazers and £150 for the waistcoats,they’re not cheap,they are however,investment pieces…


    Styling of the garments is also very important.
    The jeans almost certainly have to be rolled up short to show your natty socks,and the shirt (button ups for my American friends) must be fastened all the way,with or without a tie or bow tie.
    Remember the 3 F’s…Fit,Fabric and feel

      Style isn’t expensive…it’s priceless!

    and now for the grooming section…

    As I have little or no hair on my head,I really don’t bother with hair products…hence the hats!

    My face fuzz however is a different story…

    Let’s start with the mo’

      “Remember,the mo’ is for life not just for ‘movember’

    I personally use Fat Jack’s Tash Wax,it’s a fantastic product and it does exactly what it says on the tin!


    as for my beard…I’m not at the stage yet where it requires conditioning oil to keep it soft and smelling nice (even better when you don’t find remnants of your last meal in it!)…sorry

    Instead, a good comb and a trim every now and then to stop it going too wild,is enough.

    When it does grow thicker and longer (providing my good lady doesn’t shave it off whilst I’m asleep!!) I’ll then have to invest in ‘Captain Fawcett’s beard conditioning oil,an awesome product recommended by some of the top barber’s in the country.

    Beard influences…




    Hope this helps…

    Until next time…


    Stay safe and don’t shave!!