Ramblings of a bearded fool

Archive for October, 2013

Ignore me at your peril!!


Don’t worry too much about the title there folks,that’s just a parting shot for the staff at a certain well known high street fashion store here in the uk!
Needless to say, that despite the fact that I actually really like their product,I will not spend another penny in their stores,due to the shocking customer service!!

Our high street isn’t in great shape,but I’m shocked that there are retailers out there who seem to have a bit of arrogance about them,they’ve become complacent that the great British public will always come,because they’ve always come…


I’m saying to you all now,if you don’t get good customer service,or even average customer service,then vote with you feet!!


Basic customer service costs nothing…a smile,acknowledgment,I'm not even asking for someone to approach me (god knows I know what I'm looking for!) I just like to think that if I'm parting with my hard earned money,you've earned it,or at least show that you're grateful that I've chosen your store to spend said hard earned cash!

The store in question have become a bit arrogant… To be fair I don't think I've ever had good service in there (except when they've had an important visit!),what I didn't expect was to be totally ignored.
I'm in the market for a new winter coat ( think this year's gonna be a cold one!),spotted one I liked,tried on the size that normally fits and to my horror find that it doesn't even touch the sides!
(They've clearly made things smaller this year!! Ahem!)
No assistants in sight…find 2 of them leaning over a rail of stock having a good old chat about their previous nights socialising…nothing…still nothing…oh eye contact!
When I asked the guy if they had any other sizes I got "No mate they're all out"…and back to the conversation.

Long story short time…no offer of online ordering,no alternative,just a shallow apology?!


Apparently here in ‘Blighty’ we’re not very good at complaining…true
But we are very good at telling others about our experiences…consider yourselves told about my experience!

From a style point of view the beard is well and truly back! (To the absolute disgust of my good lady!)
She never was a good judge of style (dodges the back hand!!) 🙂
I’ve recently purchased some awesome moustache wax (also to the absolute disgust of my good lady!) made in the UK by Fat Jack’s see below for results!!

I haven’t made too many purchases lately,but instead have found myself recycling some of my existing wardrobe items,which is great for the pocket/bank balance and because I’ve also found a new love for them!
It’s great to dig out some of your old favourites once in a while,and if you bought sensibly in the past,they’ll be timeless!!
I’m no hoarder,but I really don’t like to throw out some of my classics.
I was saddened recently when I had to throw away a pair of my beloved brogues…they had reached that point where they were almost talking to me!
Sadly they have now gone to brogue heaven…

Pedro had just learned that his wife had thrown out his favourite flip flops!

But don’t worry ‘cos I bought a new pair to replace them!!

“let me hear a hallelujah!!

Until next time…


Stay safe and demand more.