Ramblings of a bearded fool

Archive for April, 2013

People of Britain don’t panic!

the lesser spotted bearded hatman

Don’t panic,the world isn’t about to end,the Mayans got it wrong,as did Nostradamus…
That fiery ball in the sky is the sun!

And doesn’t it change everything?!

I don’t know about you but,when the suns out,I feel a lot happier,I certainly wear more colour,and I actually…(wait for it!) sometimes even forego my obligatory headwear!
(That’s going without a hat for you lay folk out there!)
I can hear the gasps all over the world right now!


I love it when the sun finally decides to show up,so too does my friend the ice cream man!
I’m sitting writing in his wonderful shop he has 30+ flavours and they’re all amazeballs!!
As you can imagine they’re queuing out the door!!

a bit of shameless advertising here but,this is the best ice cream shop in the midlands!! that’s my opinion,and as this is my blog I’m more than entitled to it!!

So it’s a balmy 14.5 degrees outside,and British men everywhere have been forced by their good ladies to crack out their pasty white legs and put on a pair of shorts!

You see this is where I can’t help but wonder why we have such a bad rep for our sartorial style…
There isn’t anything wrong with socks shorts and dirty old trainers…is there?!

As we reach a certain age we start to like clothing that has dual purpose or hidden pockets (what can a man in his late 60’s possibly want to hide? His Werthers originals?!)

I really don’t understand what makes a man think that buying a pair of cargo trousers that zip off at the knee to turn them into a pair of shorts is a good idea…furthermore why wear a t shirt and then wear one of those awful multi pocketed gilets on top!?
again…do you need that many pockets?

why,why,why, do blokes feel the need to pop their collars up on polo shirts?!
It looks awful,it’s not big and it’s not clever!

wrong on sooooo many levels!


I don’t want everyone to dress the same,or like me (that would be a bit freaky!),but men of Britain,think!
I’ve put a list of wardrobe must haves below,some are personal to me,others a staple pieces every man should own.

For the record,there will be no onesies in there,nor will there be any sportswear of any description…just NO!

From left to right…
Beige Mac (River Island),Slim fit chinos by Topman,classic white t shirt,Tan military polo shirt (River Island),classic white polo shirt (Fred Perry) and striped shirt (Jack Wills)

Short sleeved shirts, one denim one coloured Oxford,navy blue chino shorts,navy blue Harrington jacket,light blue Chambray blazer…all by River Island

Tan tassel loafer and beige suede driving shoe both by River Island,and suede shoe by Ben Sherman.
please no trainers,and definitely no socks!

So there you have it!
A nice spring capsule wardrobe you can mix and match to your hearts content!
Just remember to add splashes of colour,don’t do the whole beige thing or you’ll look like a pensioner!
Find all the items at www.bensherman.com

Until next time…

Stay safe.