Ramblings of a bearded fool

Archive for April, 2012

I’m baaaacckkk!!

the hatman sporting his ‘angry face’…

Loads happened since I last blogged!

Don’t worry this isn’t gonna be a “today I’m mostly wearing…” or a “I bought this new toothpaste…or a “this is my favourite pair of socks in my sock drawer” type of blog…it’s just an update.

1: work stress now at optimum level…CODE RED!! He’s gonna blow!!


2:left my old martial arts classes because it became more about how much money they could make off you,than how much you got from it…

“don’t concentrate on the finger or you’ll miss all the heavenly glory…”

3:put on some extra timber (that’s pounds for my overseas buddies!) thanks to Easter…and beer and comfort eating due to work stress…(that’s my excuse!!😁)

4: got a lovely black eye,courtesy of stupidity…

(I’ve tried putting a raw steak on it but the blood keeps running down my face!!)

5: stupid car cost me stupid £200 for its stupid MOT (funny isn’t it that as soon as your MOT is due you car starts going “cough,cough…I don’t feel well!!😖)

6: Have I mentioned that my job sucks!!

I am not a superstitious man (apart from not walking under ladders,saluting magpies,being über careful with mirrors,not walking on cracks,always putting my left sock on first,stir my tea 30 times,always bite the top left corner of my toast first…wait up…I’m a fruit loop!!)
Ok so I’m a little bit superstitious,and a little bit OCD…but we all are aren’t we?

So I’ve been trying to do nice things for people y’know…karma and all?!

    But life’s still shit!!

Earl Hickey, one of life’s great philosophers…

    So,here’s what I’ve decided to do…

Stop: drinking alcohol and eating chocolate=lose extra timber

Stop: letting ass holes in the work place stress me out to the point that I want to throttle them!

Stop: playing ‘Skyrim’ too much as its destroying brain cells and making me forget things and lose grip on reality!

Started a new martial arts where it is all about how much the students get out of it!!(which will also help with losing the extra timber and the anger issues!!

Oh, nearly forgot…as this is normally a fashion/lifestyle blog,I wanted to quickly mention…
Topman in Birmingham…I never get greeted in there usually get totally ignored by the assistants,but today…got greeted 3 times by 3 assistants,got asked if I was “okay there?” by a further 2 assistants,asked what size I was looking for as soon as I touched an item…what’s goin on!?…
Oh wait…your big bosses are in

    Ahhh, customer service ‘eh?

And finally to continue the theme of some bloggers out there…

Here is a picture of my favourite lamp…


Until next time…


Peace out.

What a difference a week makes!


The image above shows that ‘British summertime’ is officially over!!

So, this time last week I was enjoying a lovely ice cream at Warwickshire’s best ice cream shop ‘Scoopz’ in 23 degrees!

This week it’s 3 degrees and fortunately for me ‘Scoopz’ also sell the best baked potatoes in Warwickshire too!!

the Siamese twins pictured before their successful operation to remove the annoying ‘middle’ head who was the most disagreeable of them all…

or as we know them ‘the 3 degrees’

What’s going on with this bloody weather?!
It’s causing me no end of strife with my wardrobe selection!
My good lady decided to pack away all of our winter clothes and unpack all of our summer clothes…oops!

I know that feeling!

As mentioned earlier it was only 3 degrees today and I really had to think about my outfit, I can’t believe the temperature!

    Maybe I’ve been in a coma for 7 months and just woke up in November?!
    If so…it’s my birthday!!
    Hang on,hang on…nope it’s definitely April!

Just goes to show that you really cannot dress according to season in jolly old blightey,it’s crazy to think that we invented sports like cricket and tennis both of which are pretty reliant on good weather,and we get rain for 363 days of the year!!

Andy and Jamie Murray on their way to training!

In one way though it’s pretty good,because as per usual we had a couple of weeks without rain and the government are talking about droughts!!
You’ll hear lots of people saying “it’s good for the gardens” and “we needed a bit of rain”
Fabulously British attitude,we love talking about the weather and we’re never happy no matter what it’s doing!

I feel sorry for the High Street though at the minute,sales will be plummeting as people will be looking for heavier layers instead of brightly coloured vest tops and Bermuda shorts!

    Last weeks look…


    This weeks look!…


I even had my gloves on today!!!

Heat wave predicted next week…I hope!

Until next time…


Peace out.

Never judge a book by its cover…


fantastic book by Sgt Rory Miller

You might be thinking “where is the hatman going with this?”

I wouldn’t blame you for thinking that my normally light,humorous,blogging about style and fashion has been replaced by a more hard hitting somber blog about violence and fighting…

(It hasn’t trust me)

If you thought that then you’ve just made the same mistake that my boss made when he saw me reading the book in the picture…

    You have just judged a book by its cover!

If Sgt Rory Miller’s book had pictures of fluffy bunnies on it (it would be very odd!!) would it make it more acceptable to everybody else’s viewing,or would it in fact be a complete lie…

I was pulled into an office to discuss people’s perception of me!

“who me?!

So, he says “people are a little concerned with the fact that you sit on your own and read that book”


“you know the one about violence,and they know that you do martial arts…”

So long story short,I was blown away by the comments,
Firstly that book is awesome,title apart there is very little mention of violence,instead it’s a fantastic book that is all about the psychology of confrontation and how what you learn as a martial artist doesn’t count for much if you can’t conquer fear,the author is a serving correctional officer,he is a longtime martial artist and has seen his fair share of serious confrontation.

My reply was basically that we should never prejudge anyone,especially by look alone,just because I have a shaved head and tattoos,I’m no thug.

The same principle applies when we look at style,don’t be too quick to cast aspersions,individual style should be commended not ridiculed,have confidence in your own style and enjoy creating looks that suit your personality.

    lecture over…

So…my good lady and I went out for drinks and pizza last night with my friend the ice cream man and his lady,
We talked about a lot of things,ice cream,clothes,beer,style and how much would you pay for that one fantastic fitting piece of cloth?

Good fitting clothes are priceless,but don’t worry,you can get great fitting clothes without bankrupting yourself!

Blazer from Gieves &Hawkes £800

pink dress shirt £150 also from Gieves & Hawkes

cotton chino £150 also G&H

pink anchor print silk pocket square £65 from…you guessed it G&H!

anchor print silk tie £85 from G&H

brown suede loafer £325 from G&H

And finally…

keeping in theme,anchor cuff links £225 (enamel rhodium plated sterling silver) from G&H

Ok,ok so they’re not cheap!,but as I said “good fitting clothes are priceless!”

I would skip down to ‘No.1 Savile Row’ and purchase the above goodies safe in the knowledge that I’d just made a great investment!

    …or you could buy this little lot!

Blazer £295 @ Jack Wills,shirt £34.99 @ River island,jeans £39.99 @ River Island,loafers from Topman,pocket square £6.99 @ Topman

Until next time…


Peace out,